
Object Array in C++

Object array can be made in C++ by the following syntax:  Class name variable name[size] ={object1,object 2,....,objectn}; Example:

Constructors in Java and C++

Constructors: Member function whose name is same as class. It doesn't return any value not even null. It is called at the time of the creation of the object. It is called explicitly. It is always public. Types of constructors: Default Parameter Copy     Default constructor : It doesn't take any argument it is used when we want to initialize data members of an object.    Parameterized constructor : This type of constructor accept the parameter and the value is used to initialize data members of the object.    Copy constructor : This type of constructor takes object reference as a parameter and use the passing reference to assign value to that object. C++ Constructor Example : Code: Output: Sum is :0 Sum is :6 Sum is :6 Java Constructor Example: Code: Output: Sum is :0 Sum is :6 Sum is :6

Java Program to add time and display result in hr,minute and second.

Code: Output: 36HoursMinutes1Seconds2

ASCII value finder app (ASCII Finder)

Whole code available at my GitHub: Screenshots:

Login App made with firebase as database(CommonLogger)

So the app starts with a registration menu and an option to login if you are an old user and redirect you to the login screen and if the login is successful it redirects to welcome screen with log out button. Backend: menu): Frontend: activity_main.xml: activity_login.xml: activity_welcome.xml: So that is how the app integrates and comes out as ->

Reverse String Android App (Reversed)

This is my first app made which reverse any input a user give. Software Required: 1. Android Studio 2.Adobe Xd Designing: It is done in adobe Xd Coding: XML part: <? xml version= "1.0" encoding= "utf-8" ?> < xmlns: android = "" xmlns: app = "" xmlns: tools = "" android :layout_width= "match_parent" android :layout_height= "match_parent" android :background= "@drawable/screen" tools :context= ".MainActivity" > <EditText android :id= "@+id/reverse" android :layout_width= "334dp" android :layout_height= "57dp" android :layout_marginStart= "8dp" android :layout_marginTop= "8dp" android :lay...