
Showing posts from February, 2019

C program to calculate A+B cube


C program to calculate A+B square


C++ program to give you hug(pun intended)

Code: #include<iostream> using namespace std; int main() {     int i , choice;     cout<<"\nEnter your mood\n1.For Very good\n2.For good\n3.For avergae\n4.Bad";     cin>>i;     switch(choice):     {         case '1':           cout<<"You are being hugged";         case '2':             cout<<"You are being hugged";         case '3':             cout<<"Not eligible for hugs";         case '4':             count<<"You need meds not hugs";     }     return 0; }

C program to check if a string is palindrome or not


C program to reverse a string


C program to do the multiplication of two matices


C program to do the addition of two matrices


C program to remove an element 'e' from a string

Code : Output: Enter a string hello hllo

C program to print table of a given number

Code: Output: Enter the number you want to print the table of  5 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50

C program to find factorial of number given by the user.

Here is the code for finding the factors of a given number : Output: Enter a number whose factorial you want: 5    120

C program to solve Class 8 Mathematical problems

This project was a brainchild of our professor .... so this project came into existence. Github Link to the project is: There is the code for the menu:        Others included header files like arithematic.h can be found on my GitHub page. The code is not perfect by any means like the back button is still broken. The improvements are to be made