Let's start with operators so the list starts now... Mathematical:+,-,*,/% Relational:<,<=,>=,==,!= Logical: AND(&&)&OR(||) Unary operator:++(inceremant e.g.i++=i+1),--(e.g.i--=i-1) then the next topic is branching or condition testing: if keyword is used for contion testing e.g. A C program for if: if (avg>=75) { printf("Congrats you secured first divison"); } Similarly, else and else if can also be tested e.g. A C program to find the biggest number between three numbers: #include <stdio.h> int main() { int a,b,c; printf("Enter three numbers"); scanf("%d%d%d",&a,&b&c); if(a>b&&a>c) { printf("A is the largest among three numbers"); // if a is big than b and c then its the largest } else if(b>c&&b>a) { printf("B is the largest among three numbers"); // if b is big than a and c then its the largest } else { printf(...