Introduction to programming concept

Starting from the six steps of problem-solving because in most cases programming does problem-solving.

  1. Identifying the problem
  2. Understand the problem
  3. Identify alternate ways to solve the problem
  4. Select the best ways to solve the problem
  5. List introductions that enable you to solve the problem using selected solution
  6. Evaluate the solution
So the upper statements are quite simple and easily understandable and if it creates a doubt I am always staring at my computer screen so I will reply as soon as I could. (These points are used by taking reference from book problem solving and programming concept by Maureen Sprankle)

So, coming to the second part I learned about variables its definition, rules for naming them.

Definition: It is a name given to a memory location whose value may change during the execution of the program.

Rules for naming variables:

  1. Name a variable according to what it represents.
  2. There is no spacing between names if you want to put spaces but an underscore in between e.g. course_name.
  3. Start a variable name with a letter.
  4. Do not use a dash(or mathematical operators) in a variable name.

To be continued.......

Reference from book"Problem solving and programming concept by Maureen Sprankle"


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